Ana Freire

Ph.D. Computer Science

Vice Dean for Social Impact and Academic Innovation; Senior Lecturer and Researcher at UPF Barcelona School of Management

Expert in Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis, serving as a consultant and advisor to various public and private institutions (Renfe, Xunta de Galicia, Unicef, Ashoka...)

TEDx Talk

CASIO Calculator

Under the #CientificasCASIO initiative, CASIO introduced this calculator with Ana Freire's image, crafted with a design by the renowned artist Lula Goce

Ana Freire's calculator

Research topics

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Social Media Analysis, Mental Health, Bioinformatics, Web Search, Diversity and AI.


  • Artificial Intelligence and Mental Health
  • STOP (Suicide prevenTion in sOcial Platforms)
  • Project addressed to study mental health issues in social platforms. We increased by 60% the calls incoming from social media to a national hotline. In collaboration with: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Computer Vision Centre (UAB), Hospital Parc Taulí, FITA Fundació, Fundació Ajuda i Esperança, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Université de Lyon, Meta.
  • Diversity in Artificial Intelligence
  • divinAI (diversity in Artificial Intelligence)
  • We measure the diversity regarding sex, geographical location and business (academia vs industry) in top Artificial Intelligence conferences. In collaboration with: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Joint Research Centre (European Commission).
  • Gender gap in STEM
  • Wisibilízalas
  • International contest adressed to Primary and Secondary Schools to break gender stereotypes associated with STEM carreers. More than 3700 students from 5 different countries created more than 1200 websites including profiles of professional women in STEM. In collaboration with: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, FECYT (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation).

Highlighted Publications

Artificial Intelligence / Data Science talks

Speeches in Academic Ceremonies

Women in STEM campaigns/activities